Sunday, January 8, 2012

Today is a Gift, that's why its called a Present!

On the New Year's eve, I'd wait eagerly for my 'present' like a child who waits impatiently to open his birthday gifts so much so that he's distracted and misses a bit of the party fun.  The gift, of course, was my motivation to capture every passing moment and some how en capsule it, preserve it, look back fondly at the treasure. Also, it was guilt free, there was no question of bothering to share. It simply belonged to me! 

Just that, year after year, I knew what the glittering wrapping paper contained. A simple diary that Dad gifted me without fail. The smell of those beautiful gold rimmed pages still haunt me sometimes. The diary brought me immense joy, like most small gifts do. It meant happiness for another year, for it was to contain many myriad dreams, amateur poems, thousands of lovely quotes,  routine details, doodles and tidbits, and gossip and remembrances. For this gift, among million others, I owe him a zillion smiles.

This year, this blog is going to be my diary, though it can never be as honest and detailed like a personal diary. Yet, it will contain a few thoughts that have occupied my subconscious mind for a considerable time. Hope it makes for an interesting read, that is worthy of your time.

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